Unplug with solar energy!
Saturday, June 22, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Hosted by Bruce Cooper

With this workshop you will get a brief introduction to what is solar energy, and how to use solar energy to power art projects. After an overview presentation about best practices including a demonstration, you will enjoy hands-on learning by building working solar power projects.
Bruce “Badger” Cooper is a founder and technical advisor of the Renewables for Artists Team (RAT), a not for profit group that emerged with the goal of helping artists switch from reliance on generators to using renewable power systems, particularly for outdoor art at events such as Burning Man. Bruce and RAT play a leadership role in assisting the Burning Man Project to achieve their 2030 Sustainability Roadmap.

*image credit: from PrismatiCamp video, see http://prismaticamp.org/montage/ 2022 prismatamoeba 2