Call to Artists and Tech Creatives for the Luminous Garden at Electric Sky Now Open

We are actively seeking artists and tech creatives to collaborate with us to create our Luminous Garden, at Electric Sky!  We will be creating an otherworldly garden biosphere, one with luminous flora and fauna and interactive kinetic sculptures.

Luminous Garden Layout Mockup

Luminous Garden Layout Mockup

Our basic framework is to provide an overarching experiential design theme “taking a walk in an otherworldly garden arboretum”, and then recruit other artists, technologists, scientists, and designers (that’s you!) to take on aspects of that theme, playing with technologically infused, interactive and self-illuminated organic objects or sculptural garden elements.

If this sounds fun to you, think about what you would like to create as a part of our garden! Gazebos, insects, shrubs, trees, flowers, fencing, alien animals, interpretive sculptures…you name it, we are open to your ideas, and thanks to a grant from 4Culture can provide some support in the form of a free ticket to Electric Sky and micro-grants to help cover material costs.

Learn more about the Luminous Garden here, and how to apply for support as a participating collaborator here.  Deadline for application to receive support is Monday April 25th at midnight.

4Culture Tech Specific Grant

We are very excited to be the recipients of one of the 4Culture Tech Specific grants, to be used for an experimental “hypercollaboration”, called the Luminous Garden!  Learn more about the Tech Specific program here.

Luminous Garden Layout Mockup

Luminous Garden Layout Mockup

To give you some background, our art group, Recreational Light and Magic (a.k.a. “Totally Legit” as a subsidiary of Totally Legit, LLC), is an interdisciplinary group of artists, technologists, designers, and builders who share a passion for art, technology, and culture. We have created installations ranging from interactive sound and lighting experiences to giant pinball machines, incorporating futuristic themes that challenge traditional artistic boundaries by treating everything as a creative medium. We love lasers, painting, arduinos, culture hacking, totally controlled lighting, giant metal, Kinects, pinball, robots and events.

In collaboration with the nonprofit community tech organization Third Place Technologies (also founded by Shelly Farnham), in June of 2015 we hosted our first Electric Sky.

Over seventy people attended, an unusual mix of Seattlites and Skykomish locals, with about 1/3rd of the attendees being under 18 years of age. We had a 24 hour Creativity Lab, which was a madhouse of electronics, laptops, Arduinos, LEDS, lasers, and 3D printers, mixed with a more traditional array of art supplies. The weather was extremely hot, so people were interspersing time spent on art and tech projects with relaxing moments lounging by the river or roasting marshmellows at the group campfire. To facilitate team formation and community building we started the event with a round of introductions and project pitches, had one large group meal, and finished the event with a show-and-tell guided tour around the finished projects displayed in the ball park.

The event was a resounding success, to the extent Mayor Grider of the Town of Skykomish is endorsing our coming back next year as an officially town sponsored event (assuring preferential treatment in securing reserving the park, etc.).

Although the event was a success, for June of 2016 we wish to double in size and push upon our goal of facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration by framing the creativity lab activities around a hyper-collaboration: an immersive group installation “The Luminous Garden”. We seek to expand people’s conceptions of what it means to do art installations in group shows, which are usually experienced as collections of individual contributions, rather than as one larger collaboration. We also seek to break the boundaries between the artist, the art installation, and the observer by providing an immersive experience — one that really provides the participants with the feeling of being transported into an otherworldly garden biosphere, one with luminous flora and fauna and interactive kinetic sculptures.

Thanks 4Culture for showing your support for this experimental project!

Electric Sky Mad Fun, Thanks and Wrap Up

It was an amazing event, thanks so much to the 70+ people who joined the fun at Electric Sky!  Our creativity lab was a madhouse of electronics, laptops, arduinos, LEDs, lasers, 3D printers, etc., mixed in with the more traditional array of arts & crafts supplies.   The weather was beautiful and extremely hot, so folks were excited to intersperse their art & tech “projecting” with relaxing moments splashing around in the river, and people were working into the wee hours of the morning in the creativity lab.

As a community event it would not have been possible without everyone’s help, including set up, take down, the workshop organizers, the logo and web design, the group meal, clean up, etc..– so thanks so much to everyone, including the Town of Skykomish for letting us use their beautiful ball park, and the Totally Legit art group for letting us use their electronics/crafts supplies!

  • Josh and Chris’ 3D printer workshop generated a lot of interest — for those interested Josh posted his notes in our public Facebook page, find them here.
  • Shelly’s full set of photos are posted in an Electric Sky private Facebook group (since there were many kids at the event) ask to join and check them out here.
  • Jose Sack posted some great photos here.
  • Be sure to check out Katerina’s “Exostesis” video.
  • On the whole, people really enjoyed the experience so we will definitely do it again next year!

Mobile Water Printer coming to Electric Sky

Chris D’Annunzio, one of our 3D printer workshop organizers, will be bringing his mobile water printer to Electric Sky, so we can write messages on the road while driving around the ball park! Mobile, as in on a car… he sent a few pics of the project in action:waterprinter2



Reactive Lamps prototyping progress

Dave Hull and Dan Hull (sons of artist Beanne Hull, the main organizer of Sky Art Week) are helping out making a base for our reactive lamps in the electronic arts workshop — here you can see the base they are designing to fit the electronics components, while also fitting either a mason jar or an acrylic cylinder…printed out using a 3D printer!

Close up of main light casing.

Close up of main light casing.

Mason jar with light casing and blue light.

Mason jar with light casing and blue light.

Light casing, made from three separate pieces.

Light casing, made from three separate pieces.

Light casing, assembled, made from 3D printer

Light casing, assembled, made from 3D printer

Electronics components, soldered together

Electronics components, soldered together

Video of light casing inserted into acrylic cylinder

Video of light casing in mason jar with sample animations